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Notice to unitholders of PiraeusInvest


Notice to unitholders of PiraeusInvest

Piraeus Asset Management Single Member Mutual Funds Management Company S.A.

87, Leof. Syngrou

117 45 Athens, Greece

(the “Management Company”)

acting as management company of


fonds commun de placement

R.C.S. K 15

(the “Fund”)


Luxembourg, 20 September 2023

Dear Unitholders,

The purpose of this notice is to inform you about the decision of the board of directors of the Management Company (the “Board”) to liquidate the Fund as of 29 September 2023 (the “Effective Date”). The low level of assets under management and ongoing costs of the Fund, no longer permit the economically viable management of the Fund and the Board does not foresee any future evolutions of the assets.

According to Article 18 of the management regulations and the section “Duration, Liquidation and Mergers” of the prospectus of the Fund (the “Prospectus”), the Fund may be dissolved upon decision of the Management Company.

Unitholders should note that as of 20 September 2023, the issue and redemption of units of the Fund is no longer possible and that the calculation of the net asset value will be suspended as of the Effective Date.

The Board has appointed ORIONIS MANAGEMENT S.A, represented by Mr. Daniel Van Hove and Mr. Eric Grenouillet, as liquidator, who shall prepare the liquidation report and carry out the necessary steps in relation to the assets of the Fund, which will be realised in the best interest of the unitholders of the Fund.

Deloitte Audit S.à r.l., the approved statutory auditor of the Fund, will audit the liquidation.

The liquidation proceeds shall be paid to the unitholders as soon as reasonably practicable. The liquidation proceeds which cannot be distributed to the person entitled thereto at the close of the liquidation shall be deposited with the Caisse de Consignation in Luxembourg.

If you have any queries about the liquidation or require any further information, please contact the Management Company (Tel: +30 210 328 8222).

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of the Board of directors of the Management Company

Iraklis Bamplekos

Chairman of the Board of Directors & Managing Director