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Company Profile

A company which sets new standards in the investment market

Headquartered in Athens with multi-year experience in investment management field, Piraeus Asset Management MFMC offers each investor a significant range of investment products. Piraeus Asset Management M.F.M.C. as a 100% subsidiary of Piraeus Bank develops a number of important synergies with the Group, adopting a holistic approach and ongoing improvement in clients servicing. 

Piraeus Asset Management MFMC can provide:

  • Mutual funds and portfolio management services (*Total Assets Under Management €6 bil.) and valuable experience of servicing all individual and collective management clients
  • Professional procedures and time-tested policies, contributing to the proper organization and its ongoing operation for the benefit of the investor 
  • Size and structure that guarantee a sustained growth path, with sophisticated investment products and services

*Figures as at 31.12.2024

PRI Member

Piraeus Asset Management MFMC is a member of the PRI Initiative (Principles for Responsible Investment).The PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment and defines responsible investment as a strategy and practice to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in investment decisions. ESG criteria are the key parameter for investors. Environmental criteria examine how an enterprise performs as a manager of the physical Environment, Social criteria examine how a company manages relationships with its employees, customers, communities in which it operates, while Governance is dealing with company leadership, executives' fees, the structure and size of the Board of Directors and the rights of stakeholders.

The PRI Initiative launched in April 2006 with the support of the United Nations and the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative. PRI Principles are in essence a set of global best-practices for responsible investment.

Piraeus Asset Management MFMC, as a PRI Signatory, demonstrates its strategic choice to work with concerted actions to implement the principles to enhance social welfare and sustainable development.

Today, the PRI Initiative is the largest initiative to promote responsible investment internationally, listing more than 2,300 companies and organizations.

For more information, visit https://www.unpri.org/


Piraeus Asset Management MFMC, is a member of the "HELLENIC FUND AND ASSET MANAGEΜΕΝΤ ASSOCIATION", https://www.ethe.org.gr the trade association for the funds and asset management industry in Greece.

The Association is established as o 1985 as a non-profit organization.

The Association represents the interests of its members to government and regulatory authorities in Greece and internationally and participates in legal and regulatory developments both at national and European level.

It is a member of EFAMA | European Fund and Asset Management Association https://www.efama.org/ and IIFA | International Investment Funds Association https://iifa.ca/

Our Profile today

Piraeus Asset Management MFMC offers a full range of products and services, which covers the entire spectrum of the investment market with Mutual Funds of all types and investment categories, as well as advanced portfolio management services, personalized to individuals and specialized to institutional customers. 

Today, Piraeus Asset Management MFMC manages: 

  • Mutual Funds domiciled in Greece, that correspond to the profile and needs of each investor 
  • Individual portfolios of private and institutional clients

Our Vision and our Aim

Motivating power for the continuous improvement and development of Piraeus Asset Management M.F.M.C is our main vision which focuses on: 

Acquiring the respect and acknowledgement of each of our customers, with high-quality management of the assets they entrust us 

Our system of values:

  • Integrity, with full alignment and constant operation under regulatory compliance, promoting transparency and protecting our investors
  • Credibility, with consistency and dedication to the pursuit of return, promoting the institution of collective investment and professional management
  • Transparency, with direct and comprehensive quantitative and qualitative information on the characteristics of each investment, so that investors can be aware of the risks they assume
  • Trust, the basis for all our customer relationship, which we build with transparency, honesty, professionalism and understanding of our customers’ needs
  • Service, with constant effort to meet the needs of our customers and shareholders in full 
  • Innovation, with new ideas, development of our products and services, optimization of our practices and pioneering aspects that change the standards in the field 
  • Collectivity, with faith and constant investment in our people, exploiting  their individual capacities, emphasis on team work and  creating even more friendly and productive workplace
  • Responsibility, since the principles, procedures, organization, internal audit, risk management and regulatory compliance by which the company is governed, are always set according to a sense of responsibility and respect towards the investor